

The following information regarding the Terrans applies to all subraces of Human. Terrans are available as a playable race in and of itself.

Category: Humanoid
Height: 4’2”-6’6”
Weight: 100-250lbs (Healthy)
Max Age: Normally ~100 yrs
Languages: Common
Common Nicknames: Human
Naming Customs: Depend on the subrace.

Physical Description   It can be rather difficult to make generalizations about Terrans. The term “Terran” is a modern term for a race previously known by the Old World as the Humans. Humans are a bipedal species of surface-dwellers who make up the majority of the world’s population. Some of history’s best users of magic happen to be of the Terran race’s Crimson Demon clan, rivaled only by the elves. They are known to be resilient and adaptable under the majority of circumstances and are known to be able to learn the complexities of ancient technologies after a substantial amount of time has been spent studying it. A Terran’s visual appearance depends upon the subrace, though those who do not align with a specific subrace commonly tend to have the same appearance as a human of the Old World (what humans look like modern IRL).
History   Terrans as they are known today have not been mentioned in any historical archives, aside from some fictional stories and popular culture events; it would seem that the Terrans have evolved from their Human ancestors after the Cataclysm.
Society   Terrans tend to live in towns and cities, often running their own businesses.
Naming   If not aligned with a specific clan or subrace, the naming customs of a Terran are generally aligned with what is presently popular in the community they’ve been born into. Most Terrans prefer Western naming customs.

Crimson Demons

Physical Description   Originally derived from a group of modified humans, Crimson Demons, for the most part, appear to be normal Terrans with one exception: their eyes all feature deep crimson irises that glow when they experience intense emotions. Those unfamiliar with Crimson Demons often misinterpret the glow as a sign of anger, a mistake which, depending on the individual, can be seen as either useful or frustrating (though, this interpretation can sometimes be correct). The glow of a Crimson Demon’s eyes may be caused due to any intense emotion, which may be considered the equivalent of the excitement of a child at their birthday party, or the grief felt after the loss of a loved one. They also tend to have dark hair.
While their general physiology is identical to that of ordinary Terrans, Crimson Demons possess abnormally high magical potential, as well as exceptional intelligence, making them well suited to wielding powerful magic and studying ancient technologies.
History   The Crimson Demons have been mentioned in very few historical instances, though those few instances happen to take place before the Cataclysm. Pre-Cataclysm, a brilliant researcher in the technologically advanced nation of Sanctuary was commissioned by the government to modify a group of humans, with the goal of creating a subrace capable of giving the country an advantage in technological, magical and strategic development over its enemies (namely the Democratic States of Lathern’s superior technological advances). These humans were rather eccentric, requesting that their eyes be made red and glowy, and asking for a suitably “cool” name for them to be known by. The experiment was a success, and the Crimson Demon Clan, as they are now called, awed the nation with their magical prowess, inspiring them to take on even more ambitious projects. While the Union of Sanctuary was eventually destroyed by the Cataclysm, the Crimson Demons lived on, producing generation after generation of talented magic wielders.
Society   Crimson Demons generally live in their own villages, although outsiders are welcome to visit. To many outsiders, though, their behavior is viewed as rather strange. Growing up, children are taught that the number one purpose of a Crimson Demon is to “look cool.” When introducing themselves to strangers for the first time, it is customary to strike an awesome pose and loudly announce one’s name and profession/goal/notable achievement(s). They are also prone to accompany the spells they cast with dramatic phrases and chants; the more esoteric and incomprehensible it is, the better. Despite these somewhat quixotic tendencies, Crimson Demons possess very high intelligence, and when engaged in conflicts they can easily outwit and disorient enemy forces as they unleash their magic on them. In addition, they have little concern for collateral damage in their own villages, since they can easily make repairs with their magic. The combination of these traits makes invading or conquering a Crimson Demon village nigh impossible without some sort of defense against magic.
Crimson Demon children are taught using a public education system, and graduate once they become proficient with magic. While some take up jobs and professions around their village, it is also common for new alumni to set off in search of adventure. Due to their reputation for potent magic, they are usually in high demand among adventuring parties.
Naming   Like their culture, Crimson Demon names are often seen as weird to outsiders, although from their perspective it’s everyone else who has weird names. NOTE: The following names are not to be utilized in-game, they are examples.
MALE: Bukkorori, Chekera, Hyoizaburo, Jarippa, Pucchin
FEMALE: Arue, Dodonko, Funifura, Komekko, Megumin, Nerimaki, Soketto, Yuiyui, Yunyun, Chomosuke

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